Thursday, March 24, 2016

What Does it Mean to Come Unto Christ?

“And now, I would commend you to seek this Jesus of who the prophets and apostles of written…”[1]

“Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me…”[2]  

“…even do shall ye come unto me and your souls shall live, and your redemption shall be perfected…”[3]

“…repent of your sins, and come unto me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit…”[4]
All of these scriptures have a common theme, coming or seeking Christ.   As seen from these scriptures we are commanded over and over again to come unto him, but how exactly do we do that?  This is what I wanted to discover and discuss with today.

I found an article from the March 2008 Ensign from President Henry B Eyring entitled “Come unto Christ” that I will refer to often.  It was a great resource! 

It gives us three steps each person must undergo to come to Christ. 

It states “First, they come to feel that the only way they can have the happiness they want most in this life and in the world to come is through Jesus Christ.”[5]  This is not easy is a world of many voices and mixed messages.  Satan wants to confuse us and let us think that there is no sin, or no God, or even that happiness is found in pleasure or entertainment, not in Christ.  We all have to work hard to understand and gain a testimony of the happiness Christ and the gospel can bring us.

“Second, those I know who have truly come unto Him make covenants to obey and to follow Him. It may begin by keeping simple commitments, such as reading the Book of Mormon or going to a sacrament meeting. It must come out of their faith that Jesus is the Christ and the Savior. When they keep the commitment out of that faith, they feel something. They may not be able to identify the feeling in words, but they feel better.”[6]  Making these simple commitments lead to the larger covenant of baptism.  When some feels they are ready, they can continue on and make other covenants in the temple.  This we are ready to obey and follow him. 

“That leads to the third thing I have seen in the lives of those who have truly come unto Him. They strive to become like Him. They begin to try to do unto others as they know He would do.”[7]  This is a natural extension on coming to Christ.  We want to be more like him and do what he would do, or has asked us to do.  This is where following the other commandments become easier because we are ready inside to follow the savior on the outside.  Be what he wants us to be.   

I know reading about this has helped me to see what it truly means to come onto Christ.  Now that I have a better understanding it will be easier to help others on their own personally journeys of discovering what it means to bring Christ into their lives and feel what its like to truly seek Christ.

[1] Ether 12:41
[2] D&C 88:63
[3] D&C 45:46
[4] 3 Nephi 12:19
[5] March 2008, Ensign, Come unto Christ
[6] March 2008, Ensign, Come unto Christ
[7] March 2008, Ensign, Come unto Christ

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