This short quote from Elder Scott is powerful. It reminds me to do the basics and enjoy my
spouse and children. Sometimes I get
over whelmed and my family suffers. His
reminder to enjoy them helps me to think about what I am doing with them, and
take the time I need to with them to enjoy the time I have with them. Are you enjoying the companionship of your
He explains there should be “absolutely no secrets” from on
another. Not that we keep secrets, but do we talk about our day with each
other? “Decide issues together.” Yes, this is something we are on the right
track with as far as I know… Each day we spend some time together and share our
day with each other. We talk about our successes
and our failures. We share our work day,
and our home life with each other. Do
you take time with your spouse to talk about each day and share all your
secrets? Do you communicate often about
what needs and issues should be addressed?
The rest of the quote applies to following the gospel. He wants us “in short, continue to do what
you should do. He speaks specifically
about scripture study, prayer, temple covenants, holding to his word and
keeping the Sabbath day holy. Some of
these things are harder then others to do.
For us, we don’t have family prayer or scripture study. With a non-member husband it makes doing this
difficult. How are you as a family
keeping the gospel in your life?
Overall, I loved this quote and hope to be able one day to
apply it all into my home and marriage.
This is important to me. How
important is family and marriage to you?
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