Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Her Story
Elizabeth was married to Zacharias who was a priest.  They grew old together faithfully following the commandments.  Unfortunately, they were unable to have any children.

One day, Elizabeth's husband went to the temple to burn incense.  After his days of serving in the temple was complete, he returned home to Elizabeth, but was unable to talk with her.  -Imagine her frustration trying to understand what happened to her husband-

At some point, I am sure she learned the whole story.  Her husband was visited by an angel, and told that Elizabeth would bare a son, and his name would be named John.  He would be special, and because of Zacharias doubt, we was struck dumb.

Five months later Elizabeth was very pregnant, and received a visit from her cousin Mary.  As Mary entered the house, she felt her baby leap in her belly, and felt the spirit.  She knew Mary was pregnant with her Saviour.  She expressed her feelings of joy and gratitude.  Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months, then returned home to her family.

Not long after, Elizabeth delivered a son.  All her neighbors and friends came to visit on the eighth day.  They all wanted to name the boy after his father, but Elizabeth knew the boy was to be named John.  She told them as much, and the men doubted her, and tried to communicate with Zacharias to see what name his son would have.   He wrote "His name is John" on a tablet, and suddenly he was again able to talk. - What joy to hear her husbands voice after so many longs months.

Elizabeth would have listened as her husband prophised of the many wonderful and special things abouth their son.

Scriptures Used
Luke 1

What I Learned
I had never really thought about the women in the scriptures until I started this project.  It has been amazing to me to see the examples of strength and faith that I never noticed before and was somehow missed when I had read or heard these stories before.  

Elizabeth is a perfect example of patience and strength.  She would have experienced envy, loss and heartache to not have her own child.  To watch other women throughout her years be blessed with children and her to have not.  I'm sure at some point in her life she would have felt guilty or question if she was not good enough to rear children,  But I imagine Elizabeth as not a bitter women, but a women who took this trial in her life and did what she could to help others.  

Elizabeth also showed patience with her husband, Can you imagine not being able to talk to anyone for at least 9 months?  In my life I have experienced the trial of losing my voice for several months.  But I could still whisper if I kept my conversation short.  This has made work, church, and family life difficult.  I become frustrated when I can't express my thoughts and writing takes too long to get my thoughts down and it hard to have a conversation with.  Can you imagine Elizabeth trying to communicate with her husband?  Can you imagine waiting for him to write out his experience in the temple for Elizabeth to read, and understand why he came home unable to speak.  

Imagine the joy in hearing you would now have the baby you always wanted.  I remember the first time I felt movement of my baby, and the first time my husband felt the baby move.  Can you imagine Elizabeths joy to also feel this and share with her friends and family the joy of having her own, finally.

Did you notice where did Mary went when she found out she was with child?  To her cousins Elizabeth's house.  I imagine they were close and Elizabeth's place was a refuge and a place for Mary to build her strength, gain peace, and feel courage and blessed before going back home very pregnant and unwed.

Elizabeth finally has her baby, and all her friends and family gathered to celebrate her son.  How did it feel to have family think she was crazy to want to name the baby John, not the same name as his father?  Did she wonder why he husband was still not able to speak after the child's birth? 

Imagine the joy when her husband was finally able to communicate with her, talk with her, and actually speak for the first time to his son.  The joy must have been beyond words.

Elizabeth is an amazing example of strength and patience as she helped her husband and her cousin through tough trials in their lives.  She has been an amazing example of spiritual strength and I hope that one day I too could be as spiritually strong as she is.  I pray I could also create a place of refuge for the storms in my life and the life of of family and others who need a friend, or a place to get back on their feet, ready to face the world again.  I too want to be as patient and loving as Elizabeth.

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