Her Story (My Narrative and Pondering)
A Women came to Jesus and asked for his help. Her daughter was "vexed with a devil". But Christ did not speak to her.
The disciples asked Jesus to tell her to leave because she continued to call out for help.
Jesus answered that he wasn't sent to help her, he was sent to the house of Israel. Christ had earlier instructed the disciples to not teach to the gentiles or to the Samaritans.
The women continued to cry out for Jesus's help. She was persistent it wanting to help her daughter. She knew that even if she wasn't of the house of Israel that Jesus could heal her child. She knew what kind of lifer her daughter would have without being healed, and what life she hoped her daughter to have.
Jesus said we don't take the children's bread (house of Israel) and give it to the dogs (gentiles).
The women replied that was true, but yet the dogs will eat the crumbs from off the table She was asking for a crumb. One small thing to help her. Indirectly the dogs were fed from what the Masters dropped off the table
Jesus replied that her faith was great, and even that hour her daughter was made whole. Imagine her delight and gratitude as she ran home to her family. Why didn't her husband come? Did he not have the faith or the persistence she did? How many gentile lives changed because of the faith of this one women? Her neighbors? Her extended and immediate family? Can my example of faith make that much difference too?
Scriptures Used
Matthew 15:22-28
Mark 7:25-30
What I Learned
Even though we don;t know what happened to this women and her daughter, I imagine her faith and healing of her daughter would change the view or at least soften the hearts of the people around her. Her example of faith, hope and persistence are also traits and qualities I hope to one day be able have in my daily life.
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