Thursday, December 10, 2015

Amulek Judged then Watches His People Die By Fire

Amulek was sure in his new found faith. He knew the words he and Alma had shared with his city was true, but his heart was still troubled. So many on his friends and family now believed in the words, and had repented, but so many people in Ammonihah were still wicked.

The people around him were shouting and cursing in anger, and before he knew it, he was bound and being dragged to the chief judge along with Alma. As far as Amulek could understand he had done nothing wrong, but because he had preached of their wickedness and refused to deny God, the lawyers had stirred up the people into a frantic mob.

When brought to the judge, they were witnessed against by many people, saying they were reviled against the laws, and that they were preaching false doctrine about a Gods son, who would come down but not save them.

Zeezrom the lawyer stood and instead of testify against them, as he had helped revile and stir up the people against them, he testified for Amulek and Alma. This was more than surprising, this was truly a miracle. The Lord had softened Zeezrom’s heart, and had touched him with the spirit. Amulek was joyful even as he was bound, as he knew that the Lords hand was in stretched forth and helped change the lawyer’s heart to one of compassion. Zeezrom tried to tell the people that he was the guilty one and these man were spotless before God, but the people would not listen.

From where Amulek was standing, he could see the anger building even more in the people, they began spitting and casting stones at Zeezrom and the other believers. They were driven away from the judge, and were no longer allowed to testify.

 Arms grabbed Amulek and before he knew it he was also dragged from the room. He was lead to a large field, filled with smoke, the stench of burning flesh and the screaming of tortured voices. He was forced to stand and watch as each believer and his family was cast into the fire. Young children were screaming, women were watching and weeping as their family and then themselves were cast into the fire. Men, were renting their clothes, and trying to save their families, as they too were thrown into the flames. The stench of flesh, the heat of the flames, and the rising of ash from bunt scriptures filled the air, adding to the horror.

Amulek couldn’t watch the tragedy unfold any longer. Too many screams, to many innocent victim, too many deaths. Tears ran down his creeks and as he continued to watch the martyrdom of his people, his friends, and his neighbors, and his own family.

Turning to Alma, who was bound at his side, he cried out if it was possible to save these people, to prevent all these deaths with the power of God. But Alma replied that the spirit told him not to save these people, as their blood of the innocent would stand as a witness against the people of Ammonihah. This would allow the judgments of God to fall upon the people, and the Lord would exercise his wrath upon them.

And Amulek continued to weep and moan for the death of his people.

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