Thursday, December 10, 2015

He is Sick (Zeezrom)

He was grateful he had made it.  He managed to escape the mob and flee for his life.  He had stumbled into Sidom, sick and weak, but alive.  He had fled when the first stones had started to be cast, and the last he saw of Alma and Amulek was when they were bound and being sentenced.  He was sure they were dead by now, and it was all his fault. 

He shivered, and sweat poured down his brow.  He was lying in a bed in the city of Sidom being nursed to health, but he didn’t think he was going to make it.  It wasn’t worth it, he had hurt too many people, and caused two servants of God to be killed, and his sins were too great.

As he lay there, contemplating all the wrong things he had done in his life, his body burning with a strong fever, he was sure that he would die that night.  He would meet his God, and be cast down to hell.  Over and over the words and teachings of Alma and Amulek wound around his head.

Suddenly a commotion startled him from his thoughts.  People were coming and going quickly, with an air of sorrow.  Men were weeping, and renting their clothes, and people begin to moan and wail.  Unsure of what was happening, he reached out and caught the sleeve of an older man walking past his makeshift cot on the floor of the hut.

“What is happening?”  He managed to ask.

“Word has come from Ammonihah, all the families of the believers have been burned”, then the man turned to go, wiping tears from his face.

Reaching up quickly, he caught the older man’s arm again with more strength than he knew he had and asked the question that had been plaguing him, “Did Alma and Amulek parish too?” 

“No”, was the reply , “they are the ones who brought the news.”

Rejoicing in the knowing that the two prophets were still alive, he was beginning to feel better, but knew he would still die in his sins. 

“Please,” he begged, “tell them Zeezrom has sent for them.” Then he collapsed back on the bed, and drifted into a fevered sleep once more. 

When he next awoke, he opened his eyes to find Alma and Amulek leaning over his cot.  They had come to see him.  Again he rejoiced in knowing the Lord had preserved their life.  But, he also felt ashamed and weary.  He had caused so many people not believe in the prophets sent from God.  He had sinned much in his own life. 

Reaching out again, he touched Alma’s arm, and begged, “Please heal me, “as he didn’t want to die in his sins.

“Do you believe Christ’s power can save?” was Alma’s reply.

“Yes, I believe all the words you have taught”, was his reply as he collapsed back on the cot.  It was too much effort to stay upright.  Alma reminded him that if he believed in the redemption of Christ he could be healed.  And he did believe.  Then rising up, Alma cried to the Lord to have mercy on the man, and heal him according to his faith.

At that moment, his fever vanished.  His sweat stopped pouring from his brow, and his pains and sorrows were replaced with peace, love and healing.  Sitting up, and then quickly standing, he was astonished at the relief and love he felt.  It was very sudden, and just like that, he was whole, he was healed, he was new again.  He was ready for baptism and to be forgiven of the sins he had committed in his life.  He was ready to begin anew. A whole new man. 

And from that time forth he preached the gospel to all who would listen and tell his story, of how “Zeezrom” had done such wrong, but had repented and be forgiven and was healed.

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