Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Cry unto the Lord

I was reading in my scriptures yesterday, and this is something that just keeps coming back to me.  I think this is because I am trying to make prayer a daily habit again in my life, and I’m focusing hard to have personal prayer every morning and night.  I would like to share what I learned in about prayer.

I’m reading in Alma 34:18:28.  

This section begins with a reminder to pray or cry unto him for mercy, for he is mighty to save.  Then it says we need to humble ourselves and continue to pray to him.  For myself, humility is difficult.  I’m a prideful person, and have been working on praying daily, and letting my pride go, and coming to him in true humility, without being compelled to be humble.   This is a continual struggle, and I hope one day it will become easier.

Then Amulek continues by reminding us to cry onto him in the fields, and over all you flocks, and in your houses, and over all your household, in the morning, mid-day and evening.  He says to cry over the crops of your field that ye may prosper in them, and that they may increase.  As my job is not a shepherd or a farmer, I don’t pray over my fields, but as a stay at home mother, I can pray over my chores, and over my household. I can also pray for my family, my children, and my extended family, often throughout the day, as they come into my mind.

This morning I prayed to the Lord while doing laundry, and asked for his help with my chores today.  This was the first time I had ever done this and I can’t believe how much easier it was to get up and get stuff done this morning.  I was ready and able to tackle things I’ve put off, and not done.  I truly believe the Lord hears all our prayers and all our desires and can and will help us with those things that are important to us, even if it’s laundry.

Amulek says to pour out our souls in your closets and secret places and in your wilderness.  This to me means to pray to the lord in quiet places, and not out in the open.  I think this is asked of us for several reasons.  One, is for our humility.  To not be prideful and show off our prayers to others.  Also I think it is so our prayers are sincere and meaningful when we have moment to ourselves to speak to the Lord.  I do think there is a place for the urgent prayer in a busy or crazy situation, but personally there is nothing like the quiet moment when I offer up a prayer to him in my bedroom, or in the car by myself.  It brings the spirit quickly to me, and leaves a longer lasting impression of peace.

The next verse talks about how when we are not praying, our hearts should still be drawn out in prayer unto him continually for our welfare and the welfare of those around us.  He says we should not just pray, but if we turn away the needy and the naked, and visited not the sick and afflicted, and give not our substances, behold, our prayers are in vain, and have no purpose.  When I read this I felt inadequate.  I wondered how many people I have missed helping, or not providing for.  How many people did I not notice, and should have?  How many people should I have prayed for, and forgotten, or been too focused on my own life to have noticed or remembered?   This was a good reminder to me to think more of others, and help them, and possibly ask for help of the Lord to find and see the help I can offer or serve.

These verses were important to me, because prayer is important to me.  I want to feel the love of the Lord daily, and I want to feel the peace that comes from the spirit in my life daily.  I know that the Lord hears and answers prayers.  Many times, I’ve cried unto the Lord for help, and had been helped.  Most often from others, who listen to the inspiration of the Lord, and came with what I needed, not knowing how much that meant to me.  I know he has heard my prayers, and delivered me peace, and comfort many times, when I‘ve need it.  I know he has answered my prayer, and can answer yours too.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your comments on prayer. I think this is one thing we can all strive to be better at.
