Friday, December 11, 2015

Alma Recieves Bad News from Ammonihah

Alma was struggling with his grief.  He knew the day would come, as the Lords words would all be fulfilled. 

Tears poured down his cheeks and he had already began to morn.  His clothes he had rent, and the wails and moans were from grievers were echoing throughout the whole city.  News had reached him that morning that the entire city of Ammonihah was destroyed.  Every living thing within and without the walls had been killed, and others in the borders of the land had been taken captive.  Just knowing this was going to happen, and having it as a reality were two different things.  Many people had died, but those people had denied Alma and Amulek to teach them. 

Dreadful memories resurfaced as they had many times in since he and Amulek had stood bound as 
they had watched that dreadful day.  Screams of pain, the smell of burning flesh and ash filled him as the memories of believers and their innocent families being thrown into the fire flashed through his mind. Memories of that day still haunted his nightmares.

He knew that the blood on the innocent were witnesses to the wickedness of the city of Ammonihah, and one day the Lord would bestow his wrath upon all the inhabitants. 

Voices of reached him as the chief captain entered his chamber.  Quickly turning to wipe off the remaining tears, Alma turned around, and ask Captain Zoram what was the purpose of the visit. 

Zoram quickly explained his purpose, knowing Alma was a man of God, he wanted to know if the Lord wanted them to pursue the Lamanites and take back the prisoners the Lamanites had taken in the borders around Ammanihah.

Alma told the Captain he would pray about it, and send him word, then the captain left.

Alma immediately knelt down and again put his full trust in the Lord.  He offered prayer of comfort for  others and himself who were mourning and then asked for council from the Lord as what they needed to do next, knowing the Lord would know best.

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