Thursday, February 4, 2016

Aminabab and his Amazing Experience in Prison

Aminabab sat in the corner away from as much of the filth he could, but the smell of sick, death, and disgusting old stink was still strong.  But was not as overpowering as the hunger he felt.  He hadn’t eaten for days, and the Lamanite prison was packed with others in the same predicament.

He had thought about many things during his time in the prison, he had watched carefully all the people and guards as they came and went, he even counted the bricks used in the wall he was leaning against.  He pondered many of his memories of his youth, those he could remember, and the things he had done since then.   He did this to stay as sane as he could and help pass the time.  This place could drive and had driven many a men wild before they died of hunger, or other means in this place.

Guards entered the prison, and Aminabab was immediately on edge, royal guards never entered unless they were bringing someone in, or taking someone\ out, usually to their death sentence.  Many a men left, kicking and fighting, and some left with no fight left in them.  He wondered who would they come for today.  They went to the pair of preacher Nephites, and was prepared to remove them.  It would be their death sentence. 

Suddenly a bright flickering light filled the prison, and was almost blinding after the dingy darkness he had been in for days.  Looking around he realized the light flickered on the walls of the prison and cast shadows as if someone had lit a bon fire in the middle of the room.  The source of the light was even more astonishing.  There were the two preachers standing in the middle, as if encircled about by the fire.  The guards had been driven back by the flames, and were afraid to pass the huge flames to lay their hands on the two man standing in the middle.

Then one of the man in the middle of the flames, who was not seeming to burn in anyway, spoke.  He had long hair and he too looked like he was hungry, his eyes were slightly sunken into his lean skinny frame.  But his voice was powerful, as he calmly announced that all should not to be afraid, for God has shown this wonderful things unto them, and that the guards would not be able to lay a hand on them.  Then the earth began to tremble like an earthquake, and Aminabab shook with fear as the huge brick walls all shook, like they were ready to tumble down and bury them all alive unto their deaths.

Then the room became dark, like a cloud of darkness filled the whole room, as if the fire was snuffed out suddenly, and his fear grew.  He couldn’t move, he was afraid of what was happening, the darkness, and the fear was evident throughout the whole prison.  Not a sound could be heard, all were quiet and listening in their own fear, afraid of what might happen, or if the walls were still going to shake and fall on their heads. 

Then came a small quiet voice from the darkness, so quiet it pierced the darkness and right into his soul, but it was also of perfect mildness.  “Repent ye, repent ye, and seek no more to destroy my servants whom I have sent unto you to declare good tidings.” Then the walls and floor began to shake and tremble again, and Aminabab was still afraid for his life, sure it was going to end in a pile of rocks and rubble in the darkness of the prison.  Then everything stilled.  He again listened to the silence.

Then the same voice again was heard “Repent ye, Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, and seek no more to destroy my servants.”  Then again the walls and floor began to shake again.  Aminabab crouched to the floor and shook with fear.  This was a great and terrible experience.  Not something he wanted to ever feel or go through again.  The earth finally settled and the floor stopped shaking.  Silence again prevailed in the prison.

For a third time that same still small piercing voice in the darkness came, and the walls began to make loud creaking and cracking sounds.  The floor was shaking under his limbs, and he curled up in a ball on the floor, and was sure that this time he would die.  The darkness was still overpowering, and stifling.  Finally the earth stopped, and stilled, and he moved into a sitting position.  He was still alive, and it was still pitch black in the prison.  No one could move or leave with the darkness so great, and the fear of the returning quake.  Looking around to try and get his bearing in the darkness he looked over his shoulder and saw an amazing sight.  Through the cloud of darkness was a small source of light, and upon clearing his eyes, he realized it was actually two sources of light, and strangely enough, it came from the two preachers faces.  They were shining exceedingly, and they were looking up into the ceiling, and it looked as if they were talking to someone they only could see.

Crying out with a loud voice, Aminabab brought everyone’s attention to the two preachers shining faces, lifted up as if looking to heaven.

Someone else cried out in the darkness, and asked “Behold, what do all these things mean, and who is it with whom these men do converse?”

And without hesitation, Aminabab knew, “They do converse with the angels of God,” he replied.  He knew this to be without a doubt.  He remembered his youth and the times he had gone to church and done good things, he remembered the preaching of his leaders and the warm feeling he would get from….

Cutting into his thoughts another man cried out from the darkness, “What shall we do, that this cloud of darkness may be removed from overshadowing us?” 

Again without hesitation he knew the answer, it was in the voice that spoke to them, it was in his heart, even after all the wrong he had done since his youth.  It was the answer the others in the prison might not understand or know.  It was what his leaders had told him over and over again.

Aminabab cried out into the prison for all to hear, “You must repent, and cry unto the voice, even until ye shall have faith in Christ, who was taught unto you by Alma and Amulek and Zeezrom and when ye shall do this, the cloud of darkness shall be removed from overshadowing you!” 

Then he, Aminabab kneeled down and began to pray.  He prayed fervently for his own sins to be forgiven, and the wrongs he had done, that the Lord would forget, and allow him to be spotless again before God.  He cried for the darkness and fear to leave him that he would feel peace again. He cried until he could cry unto the Lord no more, and felt the feeling of peace that he craved.  Opening his eyes, he realized the room was no longer dark, but filled with bright flickering flames that did not burn.  Casting his eyes around, he beheld that everyone, every soul was encircled about by a pillar of fire, but they did not burn, nor did the walls burn.  Instead they were filled with joy that was intense and indescribable.  It was joy beyond measure.   

Then again a voice came to be heard again, but this time it was like a whisper.  And it said, “peace, peace be unto you, because of your faith in my well beloved, who was from the foundation of the world.”  Then Aminabab looked up, towards the voice, and saw the heavens open and bright beautiful angels came down towards them.  It was an amazing sight, and he basked in the joy, peace and glory of such a miracle.  During this time he was ministered to by the angels and told amazing and wonderful things that he could never tell another soul. 

He became a changed man, a better person, and started attending church again.  He wanted to share what he could about this amazing event he had witnessed that he went with others and travelled and spoke about the miracles that took place, and how Lehi, Nephi, 300 others and himself escaped death from the horrid Lamanite prison.  He shared about power of the earthquakes and the voice that spoke in the cloud of darkness and fear that overpowered him, the fires that never burned, and the pillars of fire each person became, the peace and joy he felt, and the angels that came down to visit them.  He became a witness to the amazing power of the one true God, and he shared that knowledge with others.

Because of their preaching and testifying, many Lamanites were converted to the gospel of Christ, laid down their weapons of war and gave the land back to the Nephites.   Than the land was again filled with peace and so was Aminabab.


  1. I love this post! You have done a wonderful job of really bringing this story to life and making it feel current and easy to relate to.
