Friday, February 12, 2016

“…Freely Ye Have Received, Freely Give.” - Matthew 10:8

“…freely ye have received, freely give.” - Matthew 10:8

This scripture hit me as I watched a bible video on Christ this week.  It spoke about when Christ was calling his apostles, and told them to help others, to heal the sick, cleanse the leapers, raise the dead, and cast out devils.  They were to go without anything on their backs, but the desire to freely help others

This hit me as I have been thinking about service lately, and how I personally can be of help to others.  I might not have need to raise the dead, or cleanse the leapers, but what can I do to freely give? 

The best way I think is brain storming things I can do in my own home first.  Such as, I can help when my husband or children are sick.  I can also do what I can to try to keep the evil spirits from influencing myself, and hopefully those in my home.  I can be there for my children when they get home from school, to discuss their day and how they are doing.  I can be there during their hard times, and during the good times.  I can try to keep a house of order, of safety and a refuge from the storms of life. 

Next was things I could do in the home, but for others.  This took some more thought, but I did think of one thing.  I can freely seek out my ancestors and family history.  I can also be of service by helping to index names from old historical records, so that others may find their family names and do their own family history research.

This leads into what I can do outside the home.  The first thing is take these names I found of my ancestors, and take them to the temple to do baptisms, and seal them together as a family forever and not just for this life.  I can also listen to the whispering of the spirit.  It will guide me to those who may need my help in some way.  Also my visiting teaching, is a way to become friends with, and be of service to those who may need me.

These things I can give, I am sure there many more, but these are the things that came to me specifically.

But then I was thinking some more, and noticed the scripture read “freely ye have received….,”, which also made me stop and think about all I have to be grateful for, what I’ve freely received from the Lord, what he has blessed me with. 

One of my greatest earthly blessing in my husband and children.  They have been very supportive and understanding, they have been with me during the hard times, and the good times, they have celebrated my successes with me, and are understanding of my failures. 

I’m grateful for the gospel and how it has helped me to get through this life, it hasn’t been easy, and I’ve wanted to give up, but the Lord has always listened to my prayers, and shown me that he loves me, and others love me too.  He has blessed me with the atonement, the ability to forgive, to hand over our struggles, and to be cleaned every wit. 

I’m grateful for the blessing of my home, in an amazing small town.  I maybe far from some family that is extremely important to me, but I am able to send my kids to school with the same friends they go to church with, and almost all of our neighbours are members of the same church we attend.  I know the teachers of my children also have high standards, and will watch out for my children’s best physical and spiritual interests. 

The blessings of a working husband, who does his best to provide for us the best he can, I am also grateful for.  He works hard to make sure we are fed and have shoes and clothes, sometimes it’s a struggle, but the Lord always seems to provide for us when we are lacking in some area that my husband is not able to.  I’m grateful that he loves his job and likes to go to work daily.  I’m also grateful he travels home safely each night.  

From my pondering this week, I might not have come up with great theological debates or deep symbolism, but I did apply a small scripture, that could have passed me quickly and been dismissed, and applied it to my everyday life. This week I’ve learned I have been given so much, and freely I must also give. 

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