Monday, April 25, 2016

Do I Believe?

Bonnie L Oscarson

I read her talk today and again, a few things she said impressed my heart.  I wanted to share what I have learned and what action I’ve been called to.

 Bonnie shared the following, “to believe, we need to get the gospel from our heads into our hearts.  It is possible for us to merely go through the motions of living the gospel because it is expected or because it is the culture in which we have grown up or because it is a habit.”  She expressed the importance of believing, and that it is a matter of “eternal significance.” I  have been guilty of going through the motions by habit myself.  I became complacent, and just continued the performance without my heart truly being engaged.  I had to adjust my attitude, and had a change of heart when I became very sick, and was in the hospital.  I realized I needed Christ's help to get through my trial, and my habits became belief. 

“It takes consistency and daily effort,” is the next quote that captivated me.  This explains why after my change of heart last year.  I feel like I’m always struggling to keep the spirit with me.  It requires daily and consistent effort and now I understand this is a typical part of our earthly journey. I have mistaken my daily effort to some degree, as something wrong with me. Now I can continue working everyday for the spirit and feel the positive influences in my life, without doubting my worth.

She was truly inspired as she put pen to paper.  I pray that each us, can also feel his love, and truly believe what is in our heads, and make it a part of our hearts.

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