Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Always Remember Him

I read Elder Gerrit W Wong’s talk this morning.  It had six points to always remembering our Heavenly Father and his Son.

The first point he mentioned was always remembering “him by having confidence in his covenants, promise and assurances.”  He talked about the different promises and covenants he has made; such as, the gathering of scattered Israel.  This isn’t a area of my life I have used to remember him in the past.  I will try to keep this technique in my mind.

He also mentioned remembering him by “gratefully acknowledging his hand throughout our lives.”  I have used this in the past many times.  It is wonderful to see the Lords hand in our lives and be able to thank him for some of what he has done to direct our paths, or bring us what is needed at the time.  Late one snow stormy night, I was driving home in the dark, and was struggling to see the road.  Cars were passing me, and driving faster then I was comfortable with in those conditions.  I prayed for the Lords help as I traveled home.  Shortly after a car passed me then slowed right down to my pace and lead me all the way home.  It was a blessing to me, and I was sure that car was an answer to my prayer.  The rest of the way home, I prayed with gratitude for the Lords hand in my life. Agknowleding the Lords hand in our lives is a great way to remember him often.

The next point he made is always remembering him by trusting when the Lord assures us” he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.”   When I was in my youth I committed some sins that caused me to be dis-fellowshipped from the church.  When I started attending church again, I felt the guilt of the sins hanging over me, even after I was re-instated into the church membership again.  It wasn’t until I received my patriarchal blessing, and it started that I was forgiven of those sins that my guilt was lifted.  I had been forgiven years earlier, but I carried that guilt with me anyway.  Remembering the Lord forgives us is a blessing, and a great was to remember him always as we pray for our sins to be forgiven. 

Elder Gong also reminds us “he knows all things we don’t want anyone else to know about us-and loves us still.”   There are deep thoughts I have that I struggle with or things I do that I wish I could do better with.  I know the Lord knows my needs and deepest darkest thoughts.  Many a times he has blessed me or answered prayers without me ever speaking a word out loud.  He gives me peace and love when I’ve hit my lowest low. He knows and loves me still, no matter what.

He also mentions at times we need to rely not on the “strength [that is] within us, but [on the strength] found in remembering the Atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ.”  Last year during my healing journey, I had to rely on the atonement to get through my life daily.  Without his strength and love I wouldn’t be here today.  I’m grateful we don’t have to complete our life journey without the strength, love and support of our Savior.

The Fourth point is to remember “that he is always welcoming us home.”  I know when I started coming back to church again, I felt guilt, but I also felt his love.  I knew he wanted me, and he would continue to love me.  He is always reaching out to us, waiting for us to open the door and let him in.

The next idea he shared was to “always remember him on the Sabbath through the sacrament.” I find the sacrament is the best and most often time I can dwell in the savior.  I at this once a week ordnance, I have time to pray, ponder and dwell on all he has done for me, as well as, what I can do to improve and be a better person for him.
Lastly he reminds us to remember him “as he always remembers us.” He continues with a statement made by the savior, “Yea, they may forget, yet I will not forget thee.  Behold I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands.  Even if I forget the Lord, I know that he still remembers me.  Even when I am weak, he is strong.  Even when I walked away and left the church, he was still there waiting for me.  I appreciate his patience and love always.
” Many times I’ve forgotten my prayers, or to read my scriptures, or many other things I should be doing, but are not.

As my plan of action, I will commit to remember the Lord more often in my life by using these techniques mentioned by Elder Wong.  Specifically, I want to thank the Lord daily for his hand in my life, and build my gratitude for all he has done to bless me, and continues to bless me with.

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