Monday, May 2, 2016

The Holy Ghost (Blessing in my Life)

Elder Robert D Hales spoke about the holy ghost and what all it can bring or do in our lives. 

“Personal revelation is essential, but it is only one part of the work of the Holy Ghost. As the scriptures attest, the Holy Ghost also testifies of the Savior and God the Father.  He teaches us “the peaceable things of the kingdom” and causes us to “abound in hope.”  He “leadeth [us] to do good … [and] to judge righteously.” He gives “to every man [and woman] … a [spiritual] gift … that all may be profited thereby.” He “giveth [us] knowledge” and “bring[s] all things to [our] remembrance.” Through the Holy Ghost, we “may be sanctified”  and receive “a remission of [our] sins.” He is the “Comforter,” the same who was “promised unto [the Savior’s] disciples.”

I loved this paragraph.  It reminds me of all the roles and responsibilities the holy ghost has had, and will continue to do in our lives. 

Personal revelation is a big one for me.  He has helped me make decisions on my education, things I need to do with my children, or how to handle my struggles and trials.  He has lead me to take the pathway program through the church, and has even lead me to know that I need to continue my education after and obtain my bachelors in business management. 

As I have shared my testimony or listened to others share theirs, I’ve felt the spirit testify of the truth of the words spoken, and testify of the father and his son Jesus Christ.   Just yesterday was fast and testimony meeting, and again, I could feel the spirit sharing truth in the testimonies shared.

He “peaceable things of the kingdom” and causes us to “abound in hope.” Many times in this past year of healing, I needed times of peace and hope to get through.  I’ve felt depressed and unsure what was happening with me, I need peace to handle the everyday things of life I was no longer able to handle.  And I received that peace and hope many times.  Sometimes it would only stay while I was praying or in extreme stress, but other times it stayed with me, and helped me continuously to get through my trial at the time. 

The spirit has lead me to do good when I am tempted to do wrong.  I struggle sometimes with reading good books, and the spirit has helped me to recognize a good book, but also make the other books taste like ash in my mouth.

A special gift of the spirit is to give us knowledge and bring all things to our remembrance.  This was especially so when a very young daughter of mine was choking on a penny.  I knew immediately to pick her up and pat her on the back to get it out.  This was something I had read about, but had never before practised in my life.  It was a relief and a blessing to know that the small piece of information could come to my mind, and save my child from ending her life early on this earth.

Another role of the holy ghost is to sanctify us and receive a remission of our sins.  I know when I’ve done something wrong, and have felt the spirit bless my life.  I’ve felt that moment of peace, and known that I’ve been forgiven.

The last point mentioned in the above quote was the comforter.  This one is a big one for me.  He has helped calm me in my fear of storms, driving in the dark, and even reminding me that Heaven Father loves me, and needs me to continue my journey here on the earth.  He has comforted me when sick, or in pain, in fear, and in the loss of someone close.  I can’t mention the number of times I’ve felt his comforting touch when I needed it.

I testify that the Holy Ghost is real.  He is a separate and distinct member of the God-head.  He has blessed my life many times, and I pray I will continue to be blessed with his help and strength, and love in all the many roles he preforms for us daily.

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