Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Fathers- Video

"By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love an"d righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities and protection of their families.
"While salvation is an individual matter, exaltation is a family matter.
"Brethren, do you lead out in family activities, such as scripture study, family prayer, and family home evening?
"Fatherhood is leadership, the most important kind of leadership. It has been so and always will be so. Fathers, with the assistance of counsel and encouragement of your eternal companion, you preside in the home. It is not a matter of whether you are the most worthy or the best qualified, it is a matter of divine appointment.
"Pure love is an incomparable, potent power for good. Righteous love is the foundation of a successful marriage. It is the primary cause of contented, well developed children.
We must go forward, confident of the supernal power of the priesthood. It is a source of strength and encouragement. To know who are and what we have and what we must do in this mighty work of the Lord".

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