Saturday, November 14, 2015

Enos's Story

   “It is the perfect day for hunting,” Enos thought, as he grabbed his hunting gear, said goodbye to his family, and headed into the nearby woods.   As he pressed his way deeper into the wood, his mind thought back again to his father.  He had loved his father, and since his death, had often taken time to himself while hunting to enjoy the thoughts of the times they had spent together, and ponder some of the deeper things his father, Jacob, had taught him.  Today his mind was thinking about eternal life and the joy it could bring him.  It was hard to feel joy with the sadness that covered him, he knew he was guilty of some of the sins his father had spoken about.  He wanted eternal life and joy back into his life again too. 
     As Enos thoughts came back to the present, he realized he was just inside the edge of a clearing.  A perfect place to stop and rest, and get his thoughts back into the game he was supposed to be hunting.  As he sat down, he realized no matter how hard he thought, he couldn’t think about catching food, when he needed his sin forgiven to obtain eternal life, and have joy. 
     Before he even realized it, Enos was already kneeling down in the leaves, and twigs.  His Prayer began quietly, and built with power as he poured out his soul to the Lord.  He shared all his sorrows and struggles with the Lord, he talked about how much he missed his father, and his advice.  He continued to pray, “Lord, please forgive me, I have done wrong”.  He then expressed his sorrow and his commitment to do better to the Lord.  He continued to pour out his anguish.
     Suddenly, a branch snapped, and Enos quickly opened his eyes, he waited for his eyes to focus, and already on the lookout for danger.  When his eyes adjusted he realized a number of things, one it was only a deer, and it jumped away from him quickly, once it caught a whiff of his scent on the small breeze blowing through the clearing.  That’s when the second thing occurred to Enos, it was twilight and becoming quite dark. He had prayed an entire day, thinking maybe he should return home before it became too dark.  But then he thought maybe he would pour out his soul for a few more minutes, then head home.
     As he prayed one more time for the lord to forgive him he heard a voice softly in his heart. “Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed.” 
     Enos was shocked and ecstatic at the same time, the Lord had heard his prayer, and knew him by name.  He had forgiven him.  Knowing that the lord cannot lie, he knew he was forgiven, and he immediately felt peace.  He knew his sins had been forgiven.  Enos continued his prayer by asking, “Lord how is it done?”  How am I forgiven?
      Then he again heard a voice in his head, “Because of the faith in Christ whom thou hast never before heard nor seen.  And many years pass away before he shall be manifest himself in the flesh, wherefore, go to, they faith haith made thee whole”
     Enos knew that the Lord lived.  His testimony was strong and could not be denied.  The Lord had spoken to him in his heart, knew him, and knew his deepest desires. 
     When Enos had heard these words, he felt desire to pray for his family.  He reached out again in mighty prayer, asking the Lord to watch over is brethren the Nephites. 
     He then felt desire for his brethren the Lamanites, he was worried for his uncles, aunts and cousins.  He prayed diligently and poured out his soul for them, worried that if the Nephites should be destroyed, that at least the Lamanites would be preserved.   He prayed that the record of his father, and his people would not be destroyed, but come to the Lamanites one day to help them come to an understanding of their savior and allow them to be brought to salvation.  No matter how many times they had tried to visit and preach to the Lamanites, it had been a disaster.  They were angry and wanted to destroy their records and the traditions of his fathers.  So Enos continued to pray, asking for help, knowing that the Lord was able to preserve their records, if asked with faith and believing in Christs name it would be given him.  So he continued to pray.
     Again the Lord voice came into Enos’s head “I will grant unto thee according to thy desires, because of thy faith.”
     Enos then felt an overpowering feeling of peace wash over him, and he knew it would happen as the Lord said it would.  It was a strong amazing feeling. It was unexplainable in words, it was strong.  Without a doubt the Lord has forgiven him, and answered the deepest desires of his heart.  He knew with a certainty all was well.
     Rising to his feet, and stretching out his sore and stiff muscles, Enos quickly scanned the darkened clearing.  He knew his way home and with a newly felt bounce in his step and a renewed feeling of joy, he left the clearing knowing his father would be proud, but also that his heavenly father lives and answers prayers.   He would never doubt.

     Enos quickly made his way out of the forest, to tell his family all that has happened, if they were still awake waiting for him to return


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