Saturday, November 14, 2015

Mormon's Work is Complete

     Mormon straighten in his chair, and rubbed the back of his neck.  After engraving the writing onto the plates for weeks on end, all of his back and neck muscles were sore. He had worked hard reading and rereading plate after plate, then copying portions of them painstakingly onto his new abridged set of gold plates he had crafted himself.  Finally he was done.  The record was complete.  His work was done.  He was planning on handing over the sacred book to his son Moroni first thing in the morning as he had worked again late into the night. 
     He read over the last page again to make sure everything was as complete as it should be, nothing missing.  He was sad to think of his people all being destroyed.  He was sure his son would witness the entire destruction of the people, the same as was prophesied in the plates he had just abridged from.   He had included a record of where the different plates he had used had come from. 
     He was pleased with the work, he had only copied maybe a hundredth part of the things that were written on the plates, but they were the best parts, the things that were whispered to him to include for a wise purpose he knew not.  This had been a hard work but worth it. 
     Mormon rose to his feet, and praised the Lord for allowing him to complete such a great work as he limped over to his bedroll and quickly fell asleep with his sword by his side.

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