Monday, November 16, 2015

King Benjamin prepares to speak to his people

Benjamin was feeling old.  He knew his days as ruler of the kingdom were finished.  He needed to declare unto the people his heir, but more importantly, he needed to give someone the responsibility of the brass plates.  They were sacred books handed down since the beginning of time.  They had traveled across the ocean with their father Lehi, and Nephi, to the Promised Land they now inherited.  Nephi had created a two sets of plates, one for the history of the people, and one for spiritual prophecies.

Benjamin was faced with having to choose which of his three son should be his successor. Mosiah, Helorum or Helaman.  He decided to talk to all three sons first, then make his final decision.  He was leaning toward Mosiah, but need confirmation from the Holy Ghost before declaring his heir.  So he called them all to his room to speak with them privately. 

“My sons,” he began.  Then he expressed his desire for them to remember the sacredness of the brass plates, and that if they didn’t have these plates, they would have fallen into ignorance, not having the commandments and the mysteries of God, and would have lost their language.  He spoke to his sons about how they wouldn’t have their faith in the Lord, and would be lost like their brethren the Lamanites.  “Remember that these sayings are true and also that these records are true,” Benjamin continued.  “Search them diligently”, “Keep the commandments of God, that ye may prosper in the land according to the promises which the Lord made unto our fathers.”  He spoke many more things to his sons, and dismissed them.

At this point Benjamin had no doubt who the next king of his kingdom would be.  He was getting too old for this.  He was tired, and ready to hand over the kingdom to his son Mosiah.  But he wanted to talk to his people one last time, and declare unto them who would be the next king so no contention would take place.  He also wanted to give his people a name, because of their diligence in keeping the commandments.  He wanted to remind his people about the same promise he had reminded his sons that morning, to keep the commandments, so they will prosper in the land, and not be destroyed. 

There was so many things in his heart he wanted to declare to his people, but he was old.  If he wanted to do this, then it would need to be soon, very soon.  He knew now that his time on the earth was limited, and felt an urgency.  He needed to pass the charge of the brass plates, plates’ of Nephi, the sword of Laban, and the director to his son Mosiah before he died. 

He came the decision that he should talk to his people tomorrow, and he was too tired to make the preparations to gather all his people together.  This would be a good task for his son to do to prepare him to be their King. 

Benjamin was just wanted to sleep, but still felt the need to hasten.  He would rest while his servants found Mosiah, and brought him to him, a little nap would be good for him, then he could give his son his charge, and rest the remainder of the day, so he would have strength to talk to his people tomorrow. 


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